How to Apply
Opening a Recurring Deposits at ICICI Bank Bahrain is an easy process. Just follow the simple steps:
- Download the application form here
- Fill in the application form with your details. Shoud you need assistance while filling in the form, please give us a call at our branch. We would be happy to assist you.
- Send the filled in form to us, along with supporting documents.
Please Note
For documents sent by post/ courier;
- Certification:
Documents should be certified by a lawyer/ notary public in Bahrain. Certification of documents done outside Bahrain should be legalised through an Embassy/ Consulate. The certifying lawyer should do so under his/ her official stamp, setting out his/ her name, registration details, if applicable and address. The notary public should certify under his/ her seal and official stamp. - Verification:
The Bank may undertake one or more of the following for verification purposes:- Contact the applicant by telephone at the applicant's home or office number given in the relationship form.
- Request the applicant to furnish to the Bank, a letter from the applicant's employer confirming the applicant's employment.
- Request the applicant to furnish to the Bank, the applicant's salary details appearing on the latest (recent) Bank statement.
- The Bank might request additional verification, if required.