Trade Finance

ICICI Bank offers a gamut of Trade Finance Services to cover your trade finance needs. This includes both, Export and Import Finance and Guarantees.

Our philosophy is to provide premium quality service by offering the widest array of choices, supplemented by world-class products. Our Trade Services business is built in a way that that our technology leadership meets our client's needs. It is such a philosophy that has resulted in ICICI Bank being recognised as the Best Trade Finance Bank in India by Global Finance Magazine, in 2002.

ICICI Bank offers a wide range of trade services designed to assist you in building on your strengths. Routing your transactions through ICICI Bank would eliminate many of your hassles. With our expertise and experience, we can structure and customize solutions for your specific requirements.


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ICICI Bank offers a comprehensive range of Import services. As a valued client of ICICI Bank, you will be partnering with a trusted banking institution that is highly respected in the world of international finance and cross border transactions. We can structure and customise solutions suited to your specific business requirements, through our expertise and experience.

  • Import Letters of Credit
    Bank guarantee covering a buyer's credit risk and ensuring payment to the seller for shipment.
  • Trust Receipt Financing
    Bridging loan that provides a buyer with financing to settle goods imported on sight terms.
  • Arranging Overseas Credit for Financing your Imports
    Wide range of offshore financing options to meet working capital requirements.
  • Import Bill Collection
    Intermediary services to facilitate trade settlement when goods have been purchased on collection basis.
  • Shipping Guarantee
    Bank guarantee to allow the buyer to take possession of goods when the goods arrive before the requisite documents are received.

Documentary collections are of two types depending on the terms that have been arranged between the importer and the exporter:

  1. Documents against Payment (D/P Basis): documents are released only upon payment of the bill.
  2. Documents against Acceptance (D/A Basis): documents are released on acceptance of bill of exchange for deferred payment, and payment will be collected on maturity date.


ICICI Bank offers a wide range of export services designed to assist you in building on your strengths, so that your company can seize new business opportunities around the world. Routing all your export related transactions through ICICI Bank could eliminate many of your exporting hassles. ICICI Bank customers experience fewer delays in receiving payment, require less effort in locating collection information details, gain increased control over foreign receivables and experience improved cash flows. We can structure and customize solutions for your specific requirements, with our expertise and experience.

  • Export Packing Credit
    Pre-shipment finance to meet the cash flow requirements when manufacturing or packing goods for export from Bahrain.
  • Export Bills Negotiation
    Export bill negotiation / discounting to get financing and receive immediate payment upon shipment of goods, based on trade transaction documents under Letter of Credit.
  • Exports Bill Purchase & Discounting
    Credit facility for financing export bills not drawn under Letter of Credit.
  • Export Bill Collection
    Intermediary services to facilitate trade settlement when goods have been sold on collection basis. Documentary collections are of two types depending on the terms that have been arranged between the importer and the exporter:
    • Documents against Payment (D/P Basis): documents are released only upon payment of the bill.
    • Documents against Acceptance (D/A Basis): documents are released on acceptance of bill of exchange for deferred payment, and payment will be collected on maturity date.
  • Export LC Advising
    Authentication of an incoming Letter of Credit from an overseas branch or correspondent bank (the issuing bank).
  • Export LC Conformation
    Bank guarantee to eliminate risk of non payment by Letter of Credit issuing bank.
  • Transfer LC
    Transfer of a Letter of Credit to a second beneficiary.


A Banker's Guarantee is an irrevocable undertaking by the Bank to pay a sum of money in the event of a demand from the beneficiary, usually arising when the applicant is unable to perform his part of the obligations of the contract or where the beneficiary suffers loss or damage. Payment is usually stated to be payable on first demand, provided that the conditions contained in the guarantee are fulfilled. The most common forms of Banker's Guarantees include Tender Bonds, Performance Bonds, Retention Money Guarantees, Payment/Advance Payment Guarantees and Security Deposit Guarantees.

We can issue Bank Guarantees in foreign currency on your behalf to fulfill your obligations under any export contract, subject to availability of credit limits or against 100% cash margin.
